Saturday 16 July 2016

Song Writers association of canada pose another challenge
Write a song , full story included in it
The song is about a man losing his mind to Alzhiemers and his lady, partner wife staying with him and going through it too

This week has been a hot one with high humidity so staying indoors with no Airconditioning was impossible, work was late and long, so writing was right til the the last minute, literally 4 hours  to write and record
Bearing in mind my walls are paper thin, so road noise and neighbors are a factor
Its not the greatest, unpolished and rough. lots id like to change about it but ....its a challenge, right?

Saturday 9 July 2016

So the Song writers challenge was a challenge!!
2 chords and i had one day to write and record it!
Frustrating but it was fun, what is a challenge if its not work?
So i had the 2 chords jammed out, made the melody for the chorus and found a subject i like or felt attached to. Once the chorus was settled on the verses became a little easier to write
I sent the song to person who know their music, plays piano  and loves a lot of tunes from all eras, she gave me some solid advice
Its not perfect, time was running out, but at some point i have to stop messing with it and rearranging it

Off for a surf!!

Thursday 7 July 2016

So, i signed up for the Songwriters Association of Canada and the challenge they set is 6 days to write a song with only 2 chords!
Im finding a few challenges,
#1 the intense heat  here! The city in the midst of a 38 degree heat wave so being in side with no aircon is hard
# Lyric and arrangement...i am struggling with these and im at day 4 so one day left as im away this weekend working